Membre VIP
- Inscrit
- 24 Mai 2012
- Messages
- 1 510
- Points
- 38
- #1
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Avertissement : Cette opération comporte des risques. Ni moi, ni Phonandroid ne peuvent être tenus responsable des éventuels problèmes rencontrés. Pensez à effectuer une sauvegarde avant d'installer cette rom
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March 24, 2014
Firmware: I9300XXUGNB6 NeatROM v7.2 Aroma (4.3)
Build date: Thu Feb 6 19:12:50 KST 2014
Modem: XXUGNA8
Change List: 2505561
Available languages in Rom: Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bahasa, Catala, Cestina, Dansk, Deutsch, Eesti, English, Espanol, Estonian, Euskara, Francais, Galego, Hrvatski, Icelandic, Irish, Italiano, Kazakh, Latviesu, Lao, Lietuviu, Macedonian, Magyar, Myanmar, Nederlands, Norsk bokmal, Polski, Portugues, Romana, Slovencina, Slovenscina, Suomi, Svenska, Tieng Viet, Turkce, Udru, Uzbek, Greek, Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Korean, Chinese...
Fully Deodexed
SuperSU v1.93
Disabled Boot Sounds
Init.d Support
Init.d Tweaks
Build.prop Tweaks
Improved Virtual Memory
Kernel Debugging - Disabled
Default Language - English
No Auto Converting messages to MMS
Unlimited Contacts to SMS,MMS
No SMS,MMS in Call Log
Enabled Camera Sound Menu
Enabled All Languages for Samsung Keyboard
Enabled More Contacts (990)
Large Apn List
4 Way Reboot Menu
Enabled Secondary Symbols on Stock Keyboard
HD Voice Thanks to @tarzan11
Call Recording
Modded Mms (Sent Time instead of Received Time)
Enabled Hidden Torch Settings
S4 WallPapers
Option to install an Extra Lite ROM
MultiWindow for all Apps
Light Effect Thanks to @Arsaw
INK Effect Thanks to @Arsaw
Note 3 My Files Thanks to @pes1x
Enabled Mono/Stereo Widget
Enabled Assistive Light Widget
Enabled Automatically Send/Receive MMS Thanks to @ICavalera
Modded Camera (Removed Camera Battery Warnings)
Allowed Installation Of Apps From Unknown Sources By Default
Disabled Verify Apps By Default
Enabled Directory Search in My Files
Enabled Signature in Messaging
Disabled Phone Number Formatting
Note3 Keyboard
Secondary Symbols on Note3 Keyboard
Option to Enable/Disable One-Hand Operation (Calculator, Note3 keyboard and Pattern Lockscreen)
Note3 Browser
Note3 Calculator
Note3 Widget Active Apps
Note3 Video Player
Smart Stay
Smart Pause
Smart Scroll (Note3 Browser)
v7.4 cooked through JustArchi's awesome kitchen Thanks to @JustArchi
Added NeatROM Logo Thanks to @Spannaa
New Aroma installer
New update script from AOSP Neat
Deodexed using latest smali/baksmali
Zipaligned using latest SDK
Zipaligned using latest SDK
Rebuilded all permissions
More Optimized
New Tweaks
Faster Boot UP Time
Better RAM
Other minor changes and fixes
Enable/Disable NeatROM Bootanimation Thanks to @momo.martinovic
- v1
- v2
- v3
- v4
- Philz Touch Recovery v6.07.9
- Philz Touch Recovery v6.19.3
- CWM Manager app
- Fast Dormancy Toggle
- Greenify
- CPU Control Lite
- DropBox
- Xposed Framework
- Xposed Apps
- NeatEfs Thanks to @bender_007
- NeatUpdate (All the Apps/Mods/Themes in one place) Thanks to @acquariusoft
Available Mods:
- Google Gallery
- S4 Launcher, 100% Transparent AccuWeather
- S3 Launcher (4x5, 5x5, 5x6, 4x6...)
- Note III Launcher (4x5, 5x5)
- Google AOSP Launcher
- Google Experience Launcher
- StatusBar Battery/Transparency Mods Aroma
- Note II Popup Browser
- Aroma Battery Mods
- Nexus 5 Tones Thanks to @tarzan11
Choose the Apps you want to Install:
- Accuweather Widget
- Digital Clock Widget
- Dual Clock Analog Widget
- Dual Clock Digital Widget
- S Planner Widget
- Favorite App Widget
- Favorites Widget
- Google Search Widget
- Simple Alarm Clock Widget
- Web Manual Widget
- Adapt Sound Widget
- ChatON
- Sansung Fonts
- Group Play
- Kies
- Live Wallpapers
- S Memo
- Mobile Print
- Music Live Share
- Music Player
- Paper Artist
- Polaris Viewer
- Samsung Apps
- Samsung Hubs
- S Cloud
- Samsung All Share
- S Sugest
- S Voice
- Talkback
- Samsung Update
- Video Player
- Voice Recorder
- Yahoo
- Facebook
- AccuWeather
- AllShare
- Samsung Direct
- Email/Exchange
- FWUpgrade
- Gallery
- Gear Manager
- Keystring
- FM Radio
- Remote Control
- Stock Browser
- Samsung Service
- Language Files
- Gmail
- Chrome
- Hangouts
- Magazines
- Maps
- Play Music
- Play Games
- Google Plus
- Google Search
- YouTube
- Picasa Uploader
- Play News Stand
- Page Buddy
- Samsung Push
and many more...
I probably forgot something
Firmware: I9300XXUGNB6 NeatROM v7.2 Aroma (4.3)
Build date: Thu Feb 6 19:12:50 KST 2014
Modem: XXUGNA8
Change List: 2505561
Available languages in Rom: Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bahasa, Catala, Cestina, Dansk, Deutsch, Eesti, English, Espanol, Estonian, Euskara, Francais, Galego, Hrvatski, Icelandic, Irish, Italiano, Kazakh, Latviesu, Lao, Lietuviu, Macedonian, Magyar, Myanmar, Nederlands, Norsk bokmal, Polski, Portugues, Romana, Slovencina, Slovenscina, Suomi, Svenska, Tieng Viet, Turkce, Udru, Uzbek, Greek, Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Korean, Chinese...
Fully Deodexed
SuperSU v1.93
Disabled Boot Sounds
Init.d Support
Init.d Tweaks
Build.prop Tweaks
Improved Virtual Memory
Kernel Debugging - Disabled
Default Language - English
No Auto Converting messages to MMS
Unlimited Contacts to SMS,MMS
No SMS,MMS in Call Log
Enabled Camera Sound Menu
Enabled All Languages for Samsung Keyboard
Enabled More Contacts (990)
Large Apn List
4 Way Reboot Menu
Enabled Secondary Symbols on Stock Keyboard
HD Voice Thanks to @tarzan11
Call Recording
Modded Mms (Sent Time instead of Received Time)
Enabled Hidden Torch Settings
S4 WallPapers
Option to install an Extra Lite ROM
MultiWindow for all Apps
Light Effect Thanks to @Arsaw
INK Effect Thanks to @Arsaw
Note 3 My Files Thanks to @pes1x
Enabled Mono/Stereo Widget
Enabled Assistive Light Widget
Enabled Automatically Send/Receive MMS Thanks to @ICavalera
Modded Camera (Removed Camera Battery Warnings)
Allowed Installation Of Apps From Unknown Sources By Default
Disabled Verify Apps By Default
Enabled Directory Search in My Files
Enabled Signature in Messaging
Disabled Phone Number Formatting
Note3 Keyboard
Secondary Symbols on Note3 Keyboard
Option to Enable/Disable One-Hand Operation (Calculator, Note3 keyboard and Pattern Lockscreen)
Note3 Browser
Note3 Calculator
Note3 Widget Active Apps
Note3 Video Player
Smart Stay
Smart Pause
Smart Scroll (Note3 Browser)
v7.4 cooked through JustArchi's awesome kitchen Thanks to @JustArchi
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
as default home page for BrowserAdded NeatROM Logo Thanks to @Spannaa
New Aroma installer
New update script from AOSP Neat
Deodexed using latest smali/baksmali
Zipaligned using latest SDK
Zipaligned using latest SDK
Rebuilded all permissions
More Optimized
New Tweaks
Faster Boot UP Time
Better RAM
Other minor changes and fixes
Enable/Disable NeatROM Bootanimation Thanks to @momo.martinovic
- v1
- v2
- v3
- v4
- Philz Touch Recovery v6.07.9
- Philz Touch Recovery v6.19.3
- CWM Manager app
- Fast Dormancy Toggle
- Greenify
- CPU Control Lite
- DropBox
- Xposed Framework
- Xposed Apps
- NeatEfs Thanks to @bender_007
- NeatUpdate (All the Apps/Mods/Themes in one place) Thanks to @acquariusoft
Available Mods:
- Google Gallery
- S4 Launcher, 100% Transparent AccuWeather
- S3 Launcher (4x5, 5x5, 5x6, 4x6...)
- Note III Launcher (4x5, 5x5)
- Google AOSP Launcher
- Google Experience Launcher
- StatusBar Battery/Transparency Mods Aroma
- Note II Popup Browser
- Aroma Battery Mods
- Nexus 5 Tones Thanks to @tarzan11
Choose the Apps you want to Install:
- Accuweather Widget
- Digital Clock Widget
- Dual Clock Analog Widget
- Dual Clock Digital Widget
- S Planner Widget
- Favorite App Widget
- Favorites Widget
- Google Search Widget
- Simple Alarm Clock Widget
- Web Manual Widget
- Adapt Sound Widget
- ChatON
- Sansung Fonts
- Group Play
- Kies
- Live Wallpapers
- S Memo
- Mobile Print
- Music Live Share
- Music Player
- Paper Artist
- Polaris Viewer
- Samsung Apps
- Samsung Hubs
- S Cloud
- Samsung All Share
- S Sugest
- S Voice
- Talkback
- Samsung Update
- Video Player
- Voice Recorder
- Yahoo
- AccuWeather
- AllShare
- Samsung Direct
- Email/Exchange
- FWUpgrade
- Gallery
- Gear Manager
- Keystring
- FM Radio
- Remote Control
- Stock Browser
- Samsung Service
- Language Files
- Gmail
- Chrome
- Hangouts
- Magazines
- Maps
- Play Music
- Play Games
- Google Plus
- Google Search
- YouTube
- Picasa Uploader
- Play News Stand
- Page Buddy
- Samsung Push
and many more...
I probably forgot something
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
- Un Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-i9300
- Avoir installé les drivers USB fourni avec le mobile ( Voir tutoriel : Installer les Pilotes i9300 sans Kies pour Galaxy S3 i9300 )
- Avoir rooté son téléphone ( Voir tutoriel :i9300 - Root avec CF Auto root - Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 )
- Un Recovery Custom ( Voir tutoriel :ClockworkMod Touch Recovery - Samsung Galaxy S3I9300
- Assurez vous d'avoir une batterie chargée au maximum (mini 75%)
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
- Connectez votre mobile à votre ordinateur.
- Copiez/collez le fichier .zip que vous venez de telecharger à la racine de votre Sd card.
- Éteignez votre mobile.
- Appuyez simultanément sur les touches Volume Haut + Home + Power pour redémarrer en recovery.
- Commencez par faire une sauvegarde de votre rom actuelle en sélectionnant Backup & Restore puis Backup.
- Puis, sélectionnez Wipe data/factory reset puis validez sur Yes.
- Sélectionnez Wipe cache partition puis validez sur Yes.
- Sélectionnez Advanced puis Wipe Dalvik cache et validez sur Yes.
- Ensuite, sélectionnez install zip from sdcard dans le menu Recovery.
- Puis, sélectionnez Choose zip from sdcard.
- Enfin, choisissez le fichier télechargé et validez sur Yes.
- Enfin, sélectionnez Reboot System Now.
- Votre mobile va redémarrer. Soyez patient au premier redémarrage.
S'il vous plaît,
pour voir le contenu ou les urls !
, bon flash