pit: : PIT étant le sigle de Partition Information Table. Flasher ce fichier permet de redéfinir les partitions systèmes pour votre ROM. Cela n'est que très rarement nécessaire et très risqué.
modem: What is a modem?
A modem, sometimes referred to as a radio or baseband, is a driver that controls the sending and receiving of your mobile Network signals as well as switching between GPRS, 3G and HSDPA. It does not control Wi-Fi or the switchover between mobile signal and Wi-Fi. That’s the kernels job. There is no such thing as, "the best modem." It depends entirely on your location, operator and signal strength.
Why update your modem?
If your phone has to constantly search for signals and lock on to them, it not only gives you a poor call and data quality, but also drains your battery. It’s true, if you don't have any problems with your current modem, you don't have to update it. But in the other hand, latest modems (especially when used with the correct Android version) can improve your signal strength, decrease battery drain and might even increase performance! Up-to date modems also have the latest security patches, to keep the snoopers away.