mecanodroid a dit:
Le phone en question est celui vendu dernièrement par les magasins Carrefour sous le nom SMART5 CMB501, qui est en fait un HiSense U970 en marque blanche.
Salut, j'ai exactement le même tél (Smart5-HisenseU970 = Modèle CMB501) et je n'arrive pas à rooter mon tél avec SRSRoot...?
Ce que je ne comprends pas c'est que j'ai direct le message :
"00:06:56 - ADB Device: NOT FOUND"
"ERROR: Make sure your device is connected in Android
Debug mode, and the drivers are installed. then try again."
alors que mon tél a l'air correctement reconnu par ADB et que je suis à jours avec les drivers SDK...?
Des astuces, des idées, des pistes de recherches, j'ai bcp cherché mais rien n'y fait.. alors que Mecanodroid a réussi... :amen:
Help ?!?
Merci d'avance.
Donc, après plusieurs essais impossible de rooter mon tél avec SRSRoot alors qu’apparemment certains ont réussis.
J'ai résolu mon problème pour la connexion ADB, j'ai bien un 1er message de Root OK, mais en fait il ne l'était...?
J'ai réessayé plusieurs fois, j'ai un peu tout essayé même et rien n'y a fait... pas de root réel...
Mes logs :
---------------- New Session 14/12/2013 11:32:32 Version: 4.7 ----------------
---= SRS One-Click-Root v4.7 =---
11:29:53 - Starting ADB Server..
11:29:59 - Manufacturer: Carrefour
11:29:59 - Model: CMB501
11:29:59 - Android Version: 4.2.1
11:29:59 - Build ID: ALPS.JB2.MP.V1.2
11:29:59 - Board ID: u970_carrefour
11:29:59 - Chipset Platform:
11:29:59 - Getting OffSets.. : 0x8003 0x8005 (False)
11:30:00 - Query Server for Best Method.. Found Rootkit: 3
----= Start Rooting Process.. Please Wait =----
11:30:00 [+] Testing exploit: root3 (Please wait some minutes)
11:30:01 [+] Executing root3 exploit Failed. (Root Error: 0)
11:30:01 [+] Installing exploit: root3c (Please wait...)
11:32:06 [+] Select 'FRODO' or 'ARAGORN' or 'LEGOLAS' on your device, then click OK
11:32:24 [+] Removing Exploit.. Please Wait..
11:32:32 [+] Analysing Results...
11:32:32 [+] Checking Root access: True
11:32:32 [+] Rooting Complete !
---------------- New Session 14/12/2013 12:33:29 Version: 4.7 ----------------
---= SRS One-Click-Root v4.7 =---
12:32:49 - Starting ADB Server..
12:32:54 - Manufacturer: Carrefour
12:32:54 - Model: CMB501
12:32:54 - Android Version: 4.2.1
12:32:54 - Build ID: ALPS.JB2.MP.V1.2
12:32:54 - Board ID: u970_carrefour
12:32:54 - Chipset Platform:
12:32:54 - Getting OffSets.. : 0x8003 0x8005 (False)
12:32:56 - Checking Root access: True
----= Start UnRoot Process.. Please Wait =----
12:32:56 [+] Remounting /system Filesystem as R/W..
12:32:57 [+] Removing old SuperUser stuff...
12:33:23 [+] UnRoot Complete !
---------------- New Session 14/12/2013 13:02:31 Version: 4.7 ----------------
---= SRS One-Click-Root v4.7 =---
12:55:00 - Starting ADB Server..
12:55:05 - Manufacturer: Carrefour
12:55:05 - Model: CMB501
12:55:05 - Android Version: 4.2.1
12:55:05 - Build ID: ALPS.JB2.MP.V1.2
12:55:05 - Board ID: u970_carrefour
12:55:05 - Chipset Platform:
12:55:05 - Getting OffSets.. : 0x8003 0x8005 (False)
12:55:06 - Query Server for Best Method.. Found Rootkit: 3
----= Start Rooting Process.. Please Wait =----
12:55:07 [+] Testing exploit: root3 (Please wait some minutes)
12:55:07 [+] Executing root3 exploit Failed. (Root Error: 0)
12:55:07 [+] Installing exploit: root3c (Please wait...)
12:55:11 [+] Select 'FRODO' or 'ARAGORN' or 'LEGOLAS' on your device, then click OK
12:55:20 [+] Removing Exploit.. Please Wait..
12:55:28 [+] Analysing Results...
12:55:28 [+] Root Failed: Resume Exploit 4.
12:55:28 [+] Testing exploit: root4 (please wait..)
12:55:31 [+] Device Reboot #1 (Wait till it's started)
12:56:38 [+] Device Reboot #2 (Wait till it's started)
12:58:07 [+] Executing root4 exploit Failed. (Root Error: 0)
12:58:07 [+] Testing exploit: root4b (please wait..)
12:58:14 [+] Device Reboot #1 (Wait till it's started)
12:59:11 [+] Device Reboot #2 (Wait till it's started)
13:00:06 [+] Testing exploit: root5 (please wait..)
13:00:07 [+] Unlock your device screen, it should bring up restore mode.
13:01:03 [+] Press RESTORE button on device NOW! then wait...
13:01:35 [+] Device Reboot #1 (Wait till it's started)
13:02:28 [+] Executing root5 exploit Failed. (Root Error: 0)
13:02:28 Auto Root Failed on this device.
13:02:28 Rebooting Device and try again...
---------------- New Session 14/12/2013 13:12:09 Version: 4.7 ----------------
---= SRS One-Click-Root v4.7 =---
13:03:28 - Starting ADB Server..
13:03:33 - Manufacturer: Carrefour
13:03:33 - Model: CMB501
13:03:33 - Android Version: 4.2.1
13:03:33 - Build ID: ALPS.JB2.MP.V1.2
13:03:33 - Board ID: u970_carrefour
13:03:33 - Chipset Platform:
13:03:33 - Getting OffSets.. : 0x8003 0x8005 (False)
13:03:34 - Query Server for Best Method.. Found Rootkit: 3
----= Start Rooting Process.. Please Wait =----
13:03:34 [+] Testing exploit: root3 (Please wait some minutes)
13:03:34 [+] Executing root3 exploit Failed. (Root Error: 0)
13:03:34 [+] Installing exploit: root3c (Please wait...)
13:03:38 [+] Select 'FRODO' or 'ARAGORN' or 'LEGOLAS' on your device, then click OK
13:04:39 [+] Removing Exploit.. Please Wait..
13:04:47 [+] Analysing Results...
13:04:47 [+] Root Failed: Resume Exploit 4.
13:04:47 [+] Testing exploit: root4 (please wait..)
13:04:49 [+] Device Reboot #1 (Wait till it's started)
13:05:48 [+] Device Reboot #2 (Wait till it's started)
13:06:51 [+] Executing root4 exploit Failed. (Root Error: 0)
13:06:51 [+] Testing exploit: root4b (please wait..)
13:06:57 [+] Device Reboot #1 (Wait till it's started)
13:08:24 [+] Device Reboot #2 (Wait till it's started)
13:09:24 [+] Testing exploit: root5 (please wait..)
13:09:25 [+] Unlock your device screen, it should bring up restore mode.
13:10:24 [+] Press RESTORE button on device NOW! then wait...
13:10:56 [+] Device Reboot #1 (Wait till it's started)
13:12:06 [+] Executing root5 exploit Failed. (Root Error: 0)
13:12:06 Auto Root Failed on this device.
13:12:06 Rebooting Device and try again...
---------------- New Session 14/12/2013 16:23:47 Version: 4.7 ----------------
---= SRS One-Click-Root v4.7 =---
16:18:10 - Starting ADB Server..
16:18:16 - Manufacturer: Carrefour
16:18:16 - Model: CMB501
16:18:16 - Android Version: 4.2.1
16:18:16 - Build ID: ALPS.JB2.MP.V1.2
16:18:16 - Board ID: u970_carrefour
16:18:16 - Chipset Platform:
16:18:16 - Getting OffSets.. : 0x8003 0x8005 (False)
16:18:17 - Query Server for Best Method.. Found Rootkit: 3
----= Start Rooting Process.. Please Wait =----
16:18:18 [+] Testing exploit: root3 (Please wait some minutes)
16:18:18 [+] Executing root3 exploit Failed. (Root Error: 0)
16:18:18 [+] Installing exploit: root3c (Please wait...)
16:18:21 [+] Select 'FRODO' or 'ARAGORN' or 'LEGOLAS' on your device, then click OK
16:18:36 [+] Removing Exploit.. Please Wait..
16:18:44 [+] Analysing Results...
16:18:44 [+] Root Failed: Resume Exploit 4.
16:18:44 [+] Testing exploit: root4 (please wait..)
16:18:47 [+] Device Reboot #1 (Wait till it's started)
16:19:44 [+] Device Reboot #2 (Wait till it's started)
16:20:30 [+] Executing root4 exploit Failed. (Root Error: 0)
16:20:30 [+] Testing exploit: root4b (please wait..)
16:20:36 [+] Device Reboot #1 (Wait till it's started)
16:21:25 [+] Device Reboot #2 (Wait till it's started)
16:22:12 [+] Testing exploit: root5 (please wait..)
16:22:12 [+] Unlock your device screen, it should bring up restore mode.
16:22:30 [+] Press RESTORE button on device NOW! then wait...
16:23:02 [+] Device Reboot #1 (Wait till it's started)
16:23:47 [+] Remounting /system Filesystem as R/W..
16:23:47 Error: Failed to remount filesystem
Par contre j'ai réussi avec une autre méthode (voir
. C'est en Anglais et le soft est en chinois :merci: , mais j'ai réussi du premier coup et j'ai pus installer xposed installer et autres pour bien bidouiller mon tél.